Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Star Spangled Banner

Happy almost 4th of July everyone! I know it's only the 3rd, but this is going to be a really busy week for me. My boyfriend, Tyler, is coming into town until next Monday and we have all kind of fun stuff planned; the zoo, Six Flags, fireworks. I can't wait :) So in addition to posting this to show off my 4th of July outfit that I love, I'm also just giving you guys a heads up that posting might slow down a little bit. It depends on how tolerate he is about me spending time on the computer, haha.

Now moving on to the outfit, I was very excited to show you all this outfit because my shorts are those DIY Star Spangled Banner shorts that I showed you a couple posts back! I absolutely the love them. The only problem is that all of the jeans that I have made into cuff-offs and then cuffed have been very tight around my thighs, even though they were loose when I left them un-cuffed. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way to fix it?

The tank top that I tied off here has these very large breast pocket on the right side. You can see it in some of the pictures, and I've never quite known what it's for. It's too loose to stick anything in it, but sometimes it doesn't even look like a pocket! It's really just a strange addition to the shirt but I wanted a loose tank and this was the best one I found. I actually bought it about 2 years ago I think, and it's still holding up quite well.

One last commentary is the belt that I have on. I bought it at a garage sale and I love it., absolutely love it. It's just a brown skinny belt with a single row of gold studs on it, but I've found that it goes with most anything. Definitely worth the $.50 I spend on it!

 Tank: Charlotte Russe  Boots: Urban Outfitters  Bracelet: Vintage

Hopefully I'll still be able to find time to post again later this week. Don't forget to comment on the posts and let me know what you like/dislike/want to see more of. I always want to hear what you guys have to say :)


  1. Brilliant post!!! :-) Said it before but great blog. Keeps me coming back for more! :-)


  2. This outfit is really cute! I love those shorts and your hair is soo pretty :) xxx

    1. Thank you so much! I never know if I should straighten my hair or just let it fly, so I'm glad I let it do its thing for this post :)

  3. Remember me ?I met you on lookbook. :) I love the shorts. :) Stay pretty and gorgeous as always. ^^

    1. Of course I remember! Thanks so much :) You too doll ^_^
