Tuesday, July 24, 2012

#1 Under $10 Tuesday

Welcome to the first installment of Under $10 Tuesday! If you have ever been shopping with me, you know that I love to find deals. I love to get the most for my money, and I love to show it off when I do, haha. I'm a huge fan of Goodwill, thrift stores, and especially yard sales. Whenever I can, I love to go with my aunt who goes every Saturday and starts at the crack of dawn to find the best stuff. It's so much fun!

So that is what inspired this new weekly post idea. Every Tuesday I'm going to challenge myself to put together an outfit for $10 or less, and then show it to you guys! I saw another one of my favorite bloggers doing something very similar to this, and I fell in love with the idea (thanks so much, Kavita!). Some of the rules are:

1. There must be four items includes (bottoms, top, dress, jacket, bag, bracelets, etc.)
2. The total price of the outfit cannot exceed $10
3. Using items that were gifts is allowed from friends and family is allowed, but items given from companies is not.

High waisted Levi's- Goodwill- $2
Floral Spaghetti Strap Tank- $5
Flight Bag- Yard Sale- $1
Bracelets- Yards Sales- 25 cents a piece
Earrings- Gift 

I challenge you guys to try this too, because it really was fun to come up with different ideas and outfits! I'd love to see what you guys could come up with. Let me know what you guys think of this new idea, and hopefully *crosses fingers* I will be able to keep up with it!


  1. Such a cool idea! I wish I'd be able to try such thing too. But I guess I'm too lazy for that.. :D You did great job with the outfit! I love especially your top :)<3

    xoxo Eeva

  2. LOVE this idea! I live right behind a Goodwill store, 5 minutes walking distance...so tempted to go shopping right now :)

  3. Very beautiful Pictures.

    And such a great idea :)
