Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Lust List

1. "The Disco Pant" -American Apparel
2. Gold collar necklace
3. Light wash distressed boyfriend crop jeans
4. Skinny black belt (rectangular buckle)
5. Hot pink lipstick
6. Frilly white socks
7. Red long sleeved chiffon button-up
8. Straw fedora
9. Chunky colorful sandals

These are all items that I've been lusting after, be it for a long time or just a short period. The first and most important item on the list is the disco pant in black from American Apparel. I've already signed up to work a double shift on Thursday just to pay for these pants. I realize that I'm kind of behind on the trend of getting these, but better late than never! I can just imagine so many wonderful outfits with them on that my mind is going crazy without them...

The same goes for most of these items. I'm just coming up with outfits in my head that involve all of these and I just haven't been able to find the perfect item yet (or they are out of my price range at the moment). I'm so particular about items being exactly what I have in my head once I get so stuck on them, so sometimes I will go months and months searching for the perfect piece, even when similar items have been found. I know I can't be the only one who does this right?! Because I've been on the lookout fot the perfect red chiffon button up for a few months now. If anyone knows where to get a great one (or would like to gift one to me ;) ), just shoot me an email! My contact is listed on my about page, but just in case you don't want to click up there, here it is:


So now that we all know my Lust List, what are some of the items on your's?


  1. Hey :)

    Really like your blog!

    Maybe we could follow each other? :D
    I follow you now!

    My fashion blog :)

  2. Love your blog dear!! <3 :D


  3. Thanks for your reply dear!! :D glad to know..
    I am following you now... I hope you'll do the same:)


  4. I love this post and your blog :) i'm following you, visit my blog if you want :)

  5. Thank you for your comment, love !
    I'm a new follower :) xx

  6. great list dear...the disco pants look great i think
    btw maybe we can fllw each other?

  7. Gorgeous shoes <3 I'm following you now :)

