Thursday, August 2, 2012

You're Already the Voice Inside My Head

Home, bittersweet home! I always hate coming back. The drive takes forever, it's always an insanely boring drive, and without rain all summer, literally everything was brown. It's just depressing! Thankfully, Tyler's sisters were able to help me take some shots yesterday while he was at football practice (he's ALWAYS at football practice, haha). I wish I had a street/field to take picture in like this always. They had the BEST tree cover on his street, and I'm super jealous. there are no trees in front of the houses in my neighborhood :( It took us a while to figure out the lighting though, and most of the ones that turned out have some wacky sunlight going on because it was so bright. Sorry, guys!

Glasses, thrifted - $3.50
Necklace, H&M - $6
Skirt, eBay - $13
Shoes, Urban Outfitters Outlet - $5

Please disregard as best you can my terrible awful tan lines! I was unsure how to really "fix" them on the computer and I decided, ya know what? Who cares. Except now I wish I'd taken the time to figure out how to do it...haha. I guess that's one of the drawbacks of being a lifeguard.

This skirt I ordered from some store in China, and I'm slowly learning my lesson that cheap things rarely are as they seem. The second I cut the tag and pulled the plastic piece out, a seam on the back of it torn and now there is a big hole between the waistband and the chiffon. Le sigh. I've been looking for a black skirt like this for a long while now, and I thought I'd finally found one! But I suppose the search continues...

Don't forget to enter the giveaway here! It ends at midnight tonight, and there aren't that many people so your chances of winning are in your favor!



  1. Cute outfit.

  2. Lovely outfit! I definitely need a necklace like this x
